Drei nördliche Nocturnes Three Northern Nocturnes Homage to Brahms
for mandolin and guitar

MareDuo —  Annika Hinsche, mandolin •  Fabian Hinsche, guitar

Diverging from the LeVines’ usual pluralistic approach, each movement of Three Northern Nocturnes translates an Intermezzo of Brahms into LeVines’ musical language. Composed as a wedding gift for mandolinist Annika Hinsche (nee Lückebergfeld) and guitarist Fabian Hinsche, who perform as MareDuo, the music evokes landscapes or ‘scenes’ to which the two musicians have ties in Germany’s Westfalen region.

Drei nördliche Nocturnes Three Northern Nocturnes Homage to Brahms
for mandolin and guitar

MareDuo —  Annika Hinsche, mandolin •  Fabian Hinsche, guitar

Track Listing

  1. 1. Der Osning (Holy Wood) — guitar solo.

    Annika Hinsche was born north of the Teutoburger Wald (Teutoburg Forest), named Osning until the 19th century. Jacob Grimm states this earlier name may have meant ‘Holy Wood’. Der Osning is musically written on the name Annika and is based on Brahms Op. 118, No. 4.

  2. 2. Der Syberg (Shining Mountain) — mandolin solo.

    Fabian Hinsche was born near the Ardeygebirge Hills, a range of low mountains where Der Syberg is located. Der Syberg is written on the name Fabian and is based on Op. 119 No. 1.

  3. 3. Die Tussale (Whirling River) — mandolin and guitar.

    Mare Duo reside near Düsseldorf, a city on the Düssel River. The name Düssel can be traced back to thusila, meaning whirling or thundering. Around 1065 the river was called Tussale. Die Tussale combines the names Annika and Fabian and is based on Op. 117 No. 2.

Publisher: Joachim-Trekel-Musikverlag , Hamburg, GER